Translation of Ergonyms from the Novel “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone” into Ukrainian and Russian: the Comparative Aspect.


  • Ia.V. Hryhoshkina Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса
  • V. S. Podolian Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса



translation, ergonyms, onyms, transcription, calque, transliteration


Translation of proper names has always been an issue of interest for linguists. As there are no certain rules for translation of proper names, different translators provide various versions of translation of the same word. A number of scholars devoted their works to study of proper names: R. S. Hyliarevskyi (1985), D. Y. Ermolovych (1981), (2005), A. A. Zhyvohliadov (1996), K. B. Zaitseva (1983), O. Yu. Karpenko (2006). However, translation of ergonyms has been never considered in comparison with their compliance in Ukrainian and Russian. Such comparison can help single out the correct and most efficient way of transferring of ergonyms.

The novelty of this approach lies in comparison of methods of translations of ergonyms in two different languages, in determining the most efficient way of translation of this type of onyms. The purpose of the research is to compare two variants of translation of ergonyms – in Russian and in Ukrainian, to define the pattern of usage of a certain translational method and to determine the ultimate way of their translation, using comparative analysis.

The comparison of methods of translation, that are used during the translation of ergonyms in Ukrainian and Russian, showed the tendency of prevailing usage of certain methods of translation. While translating from English into Russian the most frequently calques are used. Whereas for translation into Ukrainian the translator used mostly transcription. It was stated that both variants of translation were precise and correct. The conclusion was made that the most efficient way to translate ergonyms is transcription and calques. This method may be used for analysing and comparison of other lexical groups of a language or the same lexical unit of other languages. Such studies provide more substantial basis for the creation of translational standard.

Author Biographies

Ia.V. Hryhoshkina, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса

кандидат філологічних наук, доцент кафедри теорії і практики перекладу

V. S. Podolian, Донецький національний університет імені Василя Стуса

студент, спеціальність «Переклад (англійська, німецька мови)»


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Language units аnd cатеgоrіes in тhe typological and contrastive aspects