On the Possessive Semantics in Privative Verbs (the Evidence from English and Ukrainian).
verb, possessive, causative, negation, privative, causer, possessor, possessive objectAbstract
The article is devoted to the research of possessive semantics elements in privative verbs in the English and Ukrainian languages. The study is based on the corpus obtained by continuous sampling from lexicographic sources (947 units in English and 1015 units in Ukrainian). The methodology of the research is characterised by complex approach and includes general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, systematization, and generalization) and linguistic methods (continuous sampling, definition, componential analysis, interpretation formulae, comparative and descriptive methods, statistics).
The method of interpretation formulae construction, which served as a basis for the research, allowed to find out that in privative verbs the following 3 components belong to the possessive semantics: possessor (B), possessive relation between the possessor and the possessee (V2), and possessee (C). It is established that semantic classification of the units under study can be developed according to all three elements of the possessive semantics, i. e. possessive relation allows to single out verbs of inalienable and alienable possession; the possessor semantics gives possibility to stratify the units into animate (human / animal) and inanimate (concrete objects, plants, abstract notion); the possessee semantics demonstrates that they can be distributed into more concrete objects, e. g. body parts, possession objects belonging to personal sphere, abstract notion, etc. In addition, it is found that the privative verbs can specify the possessee semantics, e. g. Eng. to amputate, Ukr. ампутувати; or have general indication of the possessive object, identifying the shape, size, location, etc.
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