Anthropomorphic Metaphors in English Texts of the Informational and Journalistic Genre.
metaphor, metaphorical transfer models, anthropomorphic metaphor, informational and journalistic texts, source of metaphorical transfer, target of metaphorical transferAbstract
The article is devoted to the study of the anthropomorphic metaphors created by transferring the features of one object to another. Since informational and journalistic texts are one of the main sources of creating new metaphors, the research, study and classification of the metaphors into types is relevant in this genre. Attention is paid to the metaphorical feature transferring models. The objective of the article includes distinguishing of the communicative and structural-semantic patterns of metaphors creation in English newspaper-journalistic texts. The material samples of the research are the metaphorical formations obtained by a continuous sampling from the editions of The Economist Newspapers published in 2013, 2014, and 2017. The author states that the most productive way of metaphors creation occurs, if the source of the borrowed feature describes human physiological conditions. The further perspective of the study involves the research on other types of metaphors in the informational and journalistic texts in English.References
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