Realias in literary text: to translate or not to translate.
translation, translation studies, communication, speech act, background knowledge, extralinguistic material, non-equivalent vocabulary, culture-specific vocabulary realiaAbstract
The article is dedicated to the study of the connections between the reproduction of semantic and cultural peculiarities of the original text during the translation process. The translation process itself is examined from the linguistic point of view, with particular attention paid to the pragmatic, culturological and sociolinguistic aspects of translation. The purpose of the article is to consider possible ways of translating the realias and expediency of their implementation in the text written in a foreign language. The relevance of the topic of the research is justified by the fact that the creation of an adequate translation is the most important task of the translator, and without full understanding of extralinguistic factors it is impossible to fully reproduce the essence of the original text in the text of translation. Abstracts from the novel by M. O. Bulgakov “Heart of a Dog” are used as illustrative material for the article. The conclusion of the article is that the most practical way of translating realities in the literary text is to use several techniques simultaneously, if the transfer of the realities is expedient, or its complete omission, if the unit does not play a significant role in conveying of the content of the original text. The study examines closely such problems of the theory of translation as the analysis of culture-specific vocabulary and the reproduction of the author's style and national originality in the process of translation. The result of the research may be used in translation studies researches as well as in the relevant linguistic university courses.References
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