Verbal Means of Natural Fragment Implementation of Ancient World-view.
concept, conceptual and language world view, national mentality, classical languages, lexis, dendronymsAbstract
The article deals with the reconstruction of ancient world model on the basis of Latin nouns, denoting evergreen trees. Analysis of lexis extracted from written sources on scientific topics has shown a specific character of language reflection of the world in accordance with natural concepts of ancient Romans.
The purpose of the research is to analyze the constituents of ancient world-view, reflecting in Roman natural lexis, viz dendronyms (tree names). The novelty of this research lies in the analysis of the natural lexis in aspect of ancient language world-view.
The material under consideration gives us the possibility to claim, that semantic structure of Roman dendronyms, their number and peculiarities of functioning reflects the separate fragment of archaic perception, saving information about material culture and mental world of classic society. From one point of view we can track the clear practical sense of usage of wood, tar, turpentine, flavourings; from another point of view – evergreenness shows ethical and moral values, give a possibility to use wreaths, flower-chains, crowns made from evergreen trees for the ritual and emblematic purposes. From genetic point of view there are lexis of indoeuropean, unknown and Roman origin in corpus of dendronyms. Classic world view is determined as reality, comprised of archaic concepts, reflected in lexis of Latin. Dendronomical segment of classical world view is characterized by different structuresemantic organization.
Classical world model reflects common knowledge of tree characteristics, characterized linguistic community of ancient world.
Undoubtedly, the further research of world view structure and their substantional sphere will enlarge the ontological aspect of modern linguistic.
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