Peculiarities of emotionally coloured lexemes on the material of Diane Setterfield’s novel “The Thirteenth Tale”.
The importance of the article is deremined by several factors, first of all, the uncertainty of the terminology apparatus of the problem under consideration, the necessity to study the role of emotionally coloured vocabulary in a work of art in the linguopragmatic aspect. In addition, to date, this work is the first comprehensive attempt to study the categories of emotionality, expressiveness and evaluation on the material of D. Setterfield’s “The Thirteenth Tale”. Moreover, taking into account the fact that the Gothic novel “The Thirteenth Tale” contains a significant layer of emotionally coloured vocabulary, it is of particular value for this study.
The object of the study is the means of expressing the categories of emotionality and evaluation used by D. Setterfield in the novel “The Thirteenth Tale”. The subject of the study is the semantic, structural and functional characteristics of the emotional and evaluative units in the linguopragmatic aspect. The purpose of the work is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the most significant emotional and evaluative units on the material of D. Setterfield’s “The Thirteenth Tale”.
The methods of research are determined by the set goal and the tasks that lead to the use of empirical, descriptive, distributive, structural methods and techniques.
During the study, the method of quantitative calculations is used. During the analysis 813 units are considered, the most numerous of which are groups of units represented on the lexical and stylistic levels. The group of phonetic level is the least quantitative. All linguistic means with which “The Thirteenth Tale” of Diane Setterfild is saturated serve the author to reveal the artistic world so detailed and colorfully for the reader to fully feel each event, to understand the soul of each character described, to live the atmosphere of the “suspense” which penetrates the whole novel. The prospect of the further research consists in conducting a comprehensive comparative analysis of emotional units on the material of the novel under consideration in origin and Ukrainian translation.
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Сеттерфільд Д. Тринадцята казка [Електронний ресурс]. URL : (дата звернення : 14.11.2018).
Setterfield Diane. The Thirteenth Tale [Електронний ресурс]. URL : (дата звернення : 14.11.2018).